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Kennett River Koala Walk: Winding Through the Forests and Koalas of Kennett River

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Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey as you wind your way through the enchanting wilderness of Kennett River Koala Walk. This captivating guide will take you through the scenic forests teeming with diverse wildlife, giving you a firsthand experience of the breathtaking beauty this region has to offer. From the walk’s meandering path to the abundance of koalas in the treetops and the possibility of spotting kangaroos and wallabies, every moment on this road is filled with awe and wonder.


What Exactly is the Kennett River Koala Walk?

The Kennett River Koala Walk, formerly known as Grey River Road is essentially a short loop track located inside the Grey River Reserve near the cute town of Kennett River. The reserve protects prime koala habitat, so it’s earned a reputation as one of the most reliable places to find koalas in the wild along the Great Ocean Road.

The walk takes around 20-30 minutes to complete as a loop. It follows a combination of gravel paths and raised wooden boardwalks through gorgeous native bushland filled with towering gum trees.

Along the way, you’ll encounter several viewing platforms that offer fantastic vantage points for koala spotting. Interpretive signs also tell you about the habitat and behaviors of the koalas living in the reserve.

Where is the Kennett River Koala Walk Located?

The walk is located around 200 kilometers southwest of Melbourne in the Otway Ranges region of Victoria. It’s just a short drive off the famous Great Ocean Road near Grey River.

To get there, you take the well-marked turn off the Great Ocean Road towards Kennett River township. From there, follow the signs into the Grey River Reserve where you’ll find the parking area and start of the koala walk.

Got a car? No worries. There’s a sizeable parking lot at the trailhead, so finding a spot wasn’t an issue when I visited.

What Wildlife is Likely to be Spotted?

Now for the fun part – what awesome creatures can you expect to see?

By far, the shining stars here are the koalas! The Grey River Reserve has one of the densest wild koala populations in Victoria. It’s not just koalas though. Keep your eyes peeled and you might also see kangaroos, wallabies, parrots and other colourful birds. But let’s be honest, the sleepy koalas lounging around are really what you came for!

When is the Best Time to See Koalas on the Walk?

The great news is the koalas living here aren’t too fussed about sticking to a schedule. However, your chances do increase at certain times:

  • Early Morning – Catch them actively waking up and moving about looking for food. But you’ll be competing with crowds.
  • Late Afternoon – Less people and cooler temperatures make for happy koalas soaking up the last sunshine.
  • During Rainy Weather – Koalas often come down lower to stay dry, giving you a better look!

No matter when you visit, allow about an hour to walk the loop quietly and carefully scan the branches. Moving slowly and listening closely for rustling helps improve your odds of an awesome koala encounter.

Pro Tips for Spotting Koalas in the Wild

Having a few koala spotting tricks up your sleeve will help make your walk even more successful and memorable:

  • Look high up in the tall eucalyptus branches – that’s their happy place!
  • Listen for rustling leaves or soft snoring – clues a koala is moving around.
  • Bring and use binoculars – they really do help get a closer look at distant koalas.
  • Aim for early morning or late afternoon lighting when shadows and silhouettes make them easier to spot.
  • Follow directions from others – if someone points one out, don’t be shy to politely ask where.
  • Check the lower branches too – koalas will hang out there on hot or rainy days.
  • Take your time and be patient – the longer you look, the more you’ll spot.

What Should I Know Before Going?

In addition to koalas, Grey River Road offers ample opportunities for wildlife encounters. As you drive through the wilderness, keep an eye out for kangaroos, wallabies, and a variety of bird species that call this area home. The forests along the road are teeming with life, and if you’re lucky, you may witness some of these animals going about their daily routines amidst the tranquility of their natural habitat.

Highlights of short side trips to waterfalls and hiking trails

To ensure an enjoyable experience seeing these wild fuzzy creatures, keep these tips in mind:

  • Be respectful of the habitat – take only photos and memories!
  • Keep voices low and movements slow and calm to not disturb the koalas.
  • Stay on marked trails – don’t try to get closer than the designated viewing areas.
  • Keep your distance from any wildlife – observe safely from afar.
  • Bring water, snacks, hat, rain jacket – the walk is exposed with limited shelter.
  • Wear comfortable shoes – the gravel and wooden walkways can get slippery.
  • Be patient if crowded – weekend mornings can especially get busy. Visit at non-peak times if you can.
  • Bathroom facilities are only at the trailhead – keep that in mind.

Nearby Attractions

The Kennett River Koala Walk makes for a fabulous nature experience, but it’s just one of many attractions in the area. Extend your exploring by taking the scenic drive down Grey River Road to admire towering valley views. Stop at the majestic Hopetoun Falls where water cascades down a rocky cliff face. Cape Otway Lighthouse and the Otway Fly Treetop Adventures are also popular attractions a short drive away. If you’re up for more wildlife encounters, visit the Triplet Falls to potentially spot echidnas, wallabies and enchanting glow worms after sunset. No matter what you choose, this diverse region of the Great Ocean Road offers plenty of incredible sights.

Is the Kennett River Koala Walk Worth It?

While short, the Kennett River Koala Walk delivers on its promise – an up-close encounter with wild koalas in their natural eucalyptus forest habitat.

It’s nature tourism at its finest. A protected sanctuary where you can quietly observe these captivating creatures undisturbed and learn about their behaviours and place in the ecosystem.

For me, getting to watch wild koalas so close as they rested, munched on leaves, and climbed about the trees was a truly special experience. So if you’re exploring the Great Ocean Road, take a couple hours to immerse yourself in the whimsical world of koalas along this rewarding trail. It’s one attraction you absolutely should not skip!

koala sleeping


Hi, I'm Darren, the author behind Great Ocean Road Insider. With a passion for travel and exploration, I created this website to be your guide to uncovering the iconic Great Ocean Road. Whether you're looking for stunning coastal marvels or hidden gems off the beaten path, I've got you covered. My aim is to provide you with tips and valuable resources to make your trip unforgettable. So, join me on this adventure and let's discover the wonders of Australia's Great Ocean Road together!